Voting by Mail in New York: Everything You Need to Know

As the 2020 election approaches, many Americans are wondering about their options for casting their vote. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a lot of discussion about voting by mail as a safe and convenient alternative to in-person voting. But what about in New York? Can you vote by mail in the Empire State?

The Short Answer

Yes, you can vote by mail in New York. In fact, the state has recently expanded its absentee voting options due to the pandemic.

However, there are certain requirements and deadlines that must be met in order to do so.

Understanding Absentee Voting

In New York, voting by mail is referred to as absentee voting. This means that you are not physically present at your designated polling place on Election Day. Instead, you are casting your vote through the mail. Absentee voting has been an option in New York for many years, but it was previously limited to those who were unable to vote in person due to specific reasons such as being out of town or having a disability. However, due to the pandemic, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order allowing all eligible voters to request an absentee ballot for the 2020 election.

Who is Eligible for Absentee Voting?

In order to vote by mail in New York, you must meet certain eligibility requirements.

These include being a registered voter in the state and having a valid reason for not being able to vote in person on Election Day. Under the expanded absentee voting rules for the 2020 election, all eligible voters can request an absentee ballot due to concerns about COVID-19. This means that you do not need to provide a specific reason for not being able to vote in person. However, if you do have a valid reason, such as being out of town on Election Day, you can still request an absentee ballot as usual.

How to Request an Absentee Ballot

If you are eligible and would like to vote by mail in New York, you must request an absentee ballot. This can be done online through the New York State Board of Elections website or by filling out a paper application and mailing it to your local county board of elections. The deadline to request an absentee ballot for the 2020 election is October 27th. However, it is recommended that you request your ballot as soon as possible to ensure that it arrives in time for you to fill it out and return it by Election Day.

Returning Your Absentee Ballot

Once you have received your absentee ballot, you must fill it out and return it by mail.

The ballot must be postmarked by November 3rd in order to be counted. You can also drop off your completed ballot at your local county board of elections office or at designated drop-off locations. If you are concerned about your ballot arriving on time, you can also track its status online through the New York State Board of Elections website.

Important Deadlines to Remember

In addition to the October 27th deadline for requesting an absentee ballot, there are other important deadlines to keep in mind if you plan on voting by mail in New York:
  • October 9th: Last day to register to vote in the 2020 election
  • October 27th: Last day to request an absentee ballot
  • November 3rd: Election Day and last day to postmark your absentee ballot

Other Voting Options in New York

In addition to voting by mail, there are other options for casting your vote in New York. Early voting will be available from October 24th to November 1st, allowing you to vote in person at designated polling places before Election Day. You can also vote in person on Election Day at your designated polling place.

Final Thoughts

Voting by mail is a convenient and safe option for those who are unable to vote in person.

In New York, the state has expanded its absentee voting options for the 2020 election due to the pandemic. If you are eligible and would like to vote by mail, be sure to request your absentee ballot before the October 27th deadline and return it by November 3rd. Remember, every vote counts and it is important to exercise your right to vote in every election. Whether you choose to vote by mail or in person, make sure your voice is heard on November 3rd.

Terence Wedgeworth
Terence Wedgeworth

Bacon specialist. Award-winning bacon evangelist. Incurable tv advocate. Wannabe social media evangelist. Amateur internet ninja.

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