The Process of Requesting a Recount of Votes in New York's Elections: A Comprehensive Guide

As an expert in election law and procedures, I have witnessed firsthand the importance of accurate vote counts in ensuring a fair and democratic process. In New York, this is especially crucial as the state has a history of close races and contentious elections. With so much at stake, it is essential that the process for requesting a recount of votes in New York is clear and transparent, not only to accurately reflect the will of the people but also to maintain public trust in the electoral process.

The Importance of Accurate Vote Counts

In any election, the accuracy of vote counts is crucial to ensuring a fair and democratic process. In New York, this is especially true as the state has a history of close races and contentious elections.

In fact, in the 2020 presidential election, New York was one of the last states to be called due to the high number of mail-in ballots and delays in counting. With so much at stake, it is essential that the process for requesting a recount of votes in New York is clear and transparent. This not only ensures that the will of the people is accurately reflected but also maintains public trust in the electoral process.

The Legal Basis for Recounts in New York

The process for requesting a recount of votes in New York is governed by state law. According to Section 9-209 of the New York Election Law, any candidate or group of voters can request a recount if they believe there has been an error or discrepancy in the vote count. However, there are specific criteria that must be met for a recount to be granted. These include a margin of victory of less than 0.5% or 3,000 votes (whichever is less) and evidence that there may have been errors or irregularities in the vote count. In addition to these criteria, the request for a recount must be made within a specific timeframe.

For primary elections, the request must be made within three days of the certification of the results. For general elections, the request must be made within seven days of the certification.

The Process for Requesting a Recount

The first step in requesting a recount of votes in New York is to file a written request with the appropriate election official. This could be the county board of elections or the state board of elections, depending on the race in question. The request must include specific information, such as the names of the candidates or ballot measures involved, the election district or districts where the recount is requested, and the specific grounds for the request. It must also include any evidence or documentation that supports the claim of errors or irregularities. Once the request has been received, the election official will review it and determine if it meets the criteria for a recount.

If it does, then a recount will be ordered and conducted by hand. This means that each ballot will be physically examined and counted to ensure accuracy. If there is a discrepancy between the original vote count and the recount, then further investigation may be necessary. This could include examining voting machines or conducting interviews with election workers to determine where errors may have occurred.

The Cost of Recounts

One important consideration when requesting a recount of votes in New York is the cost involved. According to state law, the requesting party is responsible for paying for all expenses related to the recount, including personnel costs and any necessary equipment. For this reason, it is essential to carefully consider whether a recount is necessary before making a request.

In some cases, candidates or groups may choose to fundraise to cover these costs, but this can be a significant burden for smaller campaigns or grassroots organizations.

The Impact of Recounts on Election Results

While the process for requesting a recount of votes in New York is well-defined, it is important to note that recounts do not always result in a change in the outcome of an election. In fact, in most cases, the original results are upheld. However, even if the outcome remains the same, the recount process can provide valuable insights into the accuracy and integrity of the election. It can also help identify areas for improvement in future elections and increase public confidence in the electoral process.


In conclusion, the process for requesting a recount of votes in New York is a crucial part of ensuring fair and accurate elections. With clear guidelines and criteria, as well as a transparent and thorough process, New York's recount procedures help maintain the integrity of the democratic process.

While recounts may not always result in a change in the outcome, they play an essential role in upholding the principles of democracy and ensuring that every vote counts.

Terence Wedgeworth
Terence Wedgeworth

Bacon specialist. Award-winning bacon evangelist. Incurable tv advocate. Wannabe social media evangelist. Amateur internet ninja.

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